Bullock’s Oriole
Bullock’s oriole (Icterus bullockii) is a small New World blackbird in the Icteridae family. They are native to western North America, though they are sometimes found as vagrants in the eastern half of the continent. During the breeding season, they are found as far west as the eastern foothills of the Cascade Range. Their breeding range stretches east to the Dakotas, Kansas, and northern Central Texas. This species can be found as far north as British Columbia in Canada and as far south as Sonora or Durango in Mexico.
Like other members of the Icteridae, Bullock’s orioles prefer habitat edges. They especially prefer riparian corridors, open deciduous woodland, and scrub forest. Observations during the breeding season indicate that members of this species prefer areas with an abundance of cottonwood, pecan, and (if near water) willow. In dry areas, this species prefers salt cedar and mesquite. In California, eucalyptus trees are used as major sources of nectar.
These birds forage in trees and shrubs, also making short flights to catch insects. They mainly eat insects, berries, and nectar. Other fruits eaten include oranges and sometimes grapes. In some locations, they may be seen using hummingbird feeders.