Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia

Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia

coast live oak



  • Magnificent, evergreen, spreading tree
  • Naturally occur in groves and make wonderful shade trees
  • Appears gangly in its youth, however a mature tree grows from 30 to 75 feet tall with a spread from 60 to 100 feet
  • Its tiny flowers produce handsome acorns in the fall
  • Leaves fall after a year but new leaves have already appeared the root zone
  • Takes full sun to part shade and likes well drained soil
  • Do not plant other species requiring plentiful water within
  • Oaks are the basis for a complex food web. The acorns are food for at least 30 species of birds
  • Oaks also attract California sister and echo blue butterflies
  • Found in all sections

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